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How Outsourcing Your Quality Assurance Can Help Your Project

Posted by Bydrec, Inc

Outsourcing your software development needs has become somewhat of the norm, and for a good reason. Onthe forefront of the movement is the price cut – which can be about half of what in-house firms pay. But outsourcing comes with other benefits as well, and these benefits vary in their nature and magnitude depending on which aspect of the software development process you choose to outsource. Here we will focus on the reasons that outsourcing your Quality Assurance (QA needs) will benefit your company.

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Topics: Tips on Hiring and Outsourcing Your Team

Avoid These 4 Mistakes when Outsourcing Your Software Development

Posted by Bydrec, Inc

Outsourcing your software development needs can yield endless benefits for your business practice. It opens a whole new world outside of your home country giving you the opportunity to bring in outside perspective and experience, as well as cutting price tags and increasing your bottom line. For these reasons, you have probably either considered outsourcing or have made it a resident part of your business model.  But whether you are still exploring or have had your share of experience with outsourcing, it is essential that you ensure your practices are precise and are going to improve your business climate rather than cause you unnecessary headaches. To help you do this, we’ve created a checklist of mistakes that you should avoid when outsourcing  software development:

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Topics: Tips on Hiring and Outsourcing Your Team

Advantages of Nearshore Software Development in Colombia

Posted by Bydrec, Inc

If you’re looking to hire external talent for your software development needs, you have probably gotten a taste of the talent shortage in the United States. Just a few years ago there were 2.5 million job openings in the US for IT positions,[1] and this number is only increasing, with many remaining unfilled. This unbalanced market is causing problems for companies that need help developing software – not only is it difficult to find employees and contractors, but the prices for them have skyrocketed.  Many have cracked the code to this tech problem by outsourcing. But directly outsourcing does not solve all the issues of the tech industry talent drought – outsourcing wisely is just as important.

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Topics: Tips on Hiring and Outsourcing Your Team

How to Use Nearshoring to Beat the Talent Drought

Posted by Bydrec, Inc

If you’re one of the 7.3 million Americans that work in tech, or the many more that don’t work in the industry but use an aspect of tech in their business models, then you’ve probably noticed that there is a talent drought which is becoming more prevalent as time goes on. While this is exceptional for developers because they have more than enough options for employment, it is causing a headache for those trying to delegate their software development needs. Fortunately, a new and improved method of obtaining your software essentials has come to light. We’re talking about nearshoring.

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Topics: Tips on Hiring and Outsourcing Your Team

How Nearshoring Killed Offshoring and Why This is Good for You

Posted by Bydrec, Inc

If you haven’t heard, nearshoring is replacing offshoring – and this is good for you, as a company. The new movement offers to bridge the gap between the high price tags and the oversupply of IT job openings in the United States (which topped 2.5 million in 2015[1]). Problems associated with the traditional routes of outsourcing, like communication and quality control, take some of the pressure off the competition between US companies.

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Topics: Tips on Hiring and Outsourcing Your Team

Why You Should Outsource to Colombia

Posted by Bydrec, Inc

Outsourcing is becoming more common and instead of questioning if you should do it, discover what type of outsourcing your company should do. Should you outsource in your own country? In your state or city?  If you do it in another country, how do you decide which one to use?

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Topics: Tips on Hiring and Outsourcing Your Team, Software Development Tips and Tricks

How to Use LinkedIn to Attract Quality Software Developer Candidates

Posted by Bydrec, Inc

Often referred to as the “Facebook for professionals,” LinkedIn is an online social media career-networking platform, which allows both companies and job searchers to upload their professional identities online and collaborate with others via the platform. For both employers and employees, LinkedIn can be a handy tool to connect and make the searching stages of the hiring process more streamlined. Before jumping onto LinkedIn to find your next software developer, it is essential to put a little bit of time into your employer profile and job postings. Otherwise, you will only expand the chaos of the search to the realm of LinkedIn. Here are a few tips on using LinkedIn to attract quality software developer candidates:

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Topics: Tips on Hiring and Outsourcing Your Team

How to Properly Onboard an Outsourced Software Developer

Posted by Bydrec, Inc

Onboarding is expensive. Daxx software development company suggest that a developer making the average US salary can cost as high as $54,750 to recruit and train. In other words, you don’t want to have to pay for an onboarding process that doesn’t end up working out. You want to be well prepared to ensure that things go smoothly when onboarding an outsourced software developer - initially, as well as down the road.

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Topics: Tips on Hiring and Outsourcing Your Team

What Credentials Should I Focus on When Hiring An Outsourced Software Developer

Posted by Bydrec, Inc

In its exponentially increasing complexity, the tech industry has become more and more specialized – a scenario in which it often makes sense to outsource work such as software development. In a sense, it is easy to make the judgment call that you should pay an external developer who has dedicated his or her entire career to the type of software that you are looking to develop. But once this decision is clear, the quest for a skilled developer begins.

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Topics: Tips on Hiring and Outsourcing Your Team

Best Practices To Hiring Quality Nearshore Software Developers

Posted by Bydrec, Inc

Choosing to outsource your software development to a nearshore software development company is a cost-effective way to get outstanding results. Nearshore software developers are skilled at aligning with your needs and company culture while providing top service at incredible rates. If you’re thinking of hiring a nearshore software development company, here are five tips to keep in mind to make a perfect choice.

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Topics: Tips on Hiring and Outsourcing Your Team


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