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Top Locations for Hiring Nearshore Developers

Posted by Bydrec, Inc

The pandemic has thrown businesses into a tailspin, forcing them to adapt quickly or struggle to survive. As a result, the modern workplace has been in a constant state of evolution, with new trends emerging and old ones fading away. In a time when technology is changing faster than ever before, it's no surprise that remote work will become more popular for some companies. It enables them to stay productive without having an office close by or even being geographically tethered at all.

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Topics: software development, outsourcing company, Nearshore software development, agile methodology, remote employees, Top Locations for Hiring Nearshore Developers

The Top Agile Methodology Interview Questions to Ask

Posted by Bydrec, Inc

Every development process must go through a methodology to ensure workability of the product and achieve a positive end result. One methodology is what is known as and referred to as agile methodology, or agile project management. By nature, software development depends on customer feedback and support to ensure positive customer experience. The agile process itself can adapt as it goes, and as with any creative new endeavor, it will be non-linear. Therefore, the agile development process is a clear and logical choice for the software development industry and for companies like ByDrec. If you have to hire for a special software service, there is some vetting to consider doing before hiring a specialty software engineer. Below you will read about some questions to ask about agile methodology while making your decision, and you can learn how Bydrec will make this decision easy and the process smooth.

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Topics: Tips on Hiring and Outsourcing Your Team, agile methodology overview, agile project management, software developer, systems administrator, Top Locations for Hiring Nearshore Developers, Top Agile Methodology Interview Questions to Ask


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