Why Bydrec is the Best Nearshore Software Development Company for You

Why Bydrec is the Best Nearshore Software Development Company for You

Why Bydrec is the Best Nearshore Software Development Company for You

If you’re up to speed in the outsourcing practices of the software development industry, then you have noticed, and may even be considering (or already practicing) the newest outsourcing sub-trend: nearshoring. If not, let us start by explaining, in the context of the software development industry, the difference between these commonly used but often misunderstood terms:

Outsourcing: The practice of hiring a third party to develop your software. All following terms are different forms of outsourcing.

Onshoring: The practice of hiring a third party from within your own country to develop your software.

Offshoring: The practice of hiring a third party from another country to develop your software.

Nearshoring: The practice of hiring a third party from another country, close to your own country in proximity, culture, time zone, and language to develop your software.

There are many reasons why nearshoring outperforms other forms of outsourcing, and reasons for which companies are increasingly adopting nearshore practices. If you are not up to speed on the benefits of nearshoring, we suggest catching up in this eBook: Hiring In-House vs. Outsourcing: A Quick Guide to getting the advantage over your competition.

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If you are up to speed and ready to hire a nearshoring staffing company for your software development project, let us tell you why Bydrec is the best one for you:

  • Bydrec recruits and assembles the right match for your business & project objectives: Here at Bydrec, we have long-standing partnerships with the best nearshore developers who have notable experience and run the full gamut of skill sets. We get to know your company and each project with which will help you, so that we can match you with the development team that is prefect for the culture of your company and the technical aspects of your project. We specialize in knowing how to build the perfect team so that the process is seamless and the results are flawless.
  • We are a full project-management team: The whole point of outsourcing is so you don’t have to manage projects. Here at Bydrec, we are the project mangers. We want you to be able to step away and feel confident that we will handle all the details.
  • We map out a framework for your project’s scope of work and a timeline of deliverables: Surprises are never good in this industry. So we take the time to map out your project from beginning to end, so that you know exactly what you’re getting, and when. We are committed 100% to working on only one project at a time and maintaining full-time communication schedules to address any questions that may come up. And thanks to the benefits of nearshoring, we can address concerns in real-time without the constraints of distant time zones.
  • We provide ongoing support after the project is completed, with performance tests and troubleshooting: Software development projects don’t end after implementation and testing. Errors and bugs can occur way down the line and, although we do our best to give our clients a full understanding of the completed project, sometimes you just need the developers to step back into the game and help with maintenance, troubleshooting, or customer service. As our business model is based on long-term relationships, we want to ensure you that we will be around, even after the project is completed.
  • We do all of this at half the cost of our competitors: Most of the time price cuts come with a downside. But Bydrec’s ability to cut costs by as much as half are due to our increased efficiency model. We attribute this to the proximity, ease of communication, and high-level collaboration that we have with our team of Colombia-based expert developers. They are a true extension of our company, and therefore your project’s development team.
Related Content: Advantages of Nearshore Software Development in Colombia

There is no need to pay a premium and end up with a substandard product when nearshoring your software development program. Let Bydrec take over your project from planning and management to customer support after the project is delivered. Cut costs, save time and headaches, and embark on a long-lasting relationship with a nearshoring staffing company that you can trust to make your job easier. 



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Topics: Software Development Team Advantages, Software Development Tips and Tricks


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