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Best Programming language - Software Development Project

Written by Bydrec, Inc | Apr 30, 2018 5:20:00 PM

Creating and managing a software development project takes time, money, patience, and about every other resource you can think of.  The beginning may be the most overwhelming part (that is until you get to the quality assurance testing and find that your software is riddled with bugs). But you should start somewhere, so let’s think regarding languages, and which is best for your project.

There are 256 computer languages in existence today. So how do you decide which is best for your upcoming software development project?  You could go to the most popular ones - JavaScript, PHP, Java, C# and Python – and then narrow it down from those using your Magic 8 Ball. Or you could run through our list of methods to manage the list of choices through the process of elimination.

  • Look to your competitors, or projects similar to your own: This is not to say that you need to go straight to those with whom you will be competing and copy their project. In fact, this can be counterproductive if what you want is to set yourself apart, but it is helpful to think about who is using what, and why. If you’re creating a video platform, for example, look at the differences between YouTube and Vimeo. Find out what you like and dislike about each, and then attribute aspects of each to the languages they use. Many model programs will use JavaScript on the front end, so look at the back end and the database to see where the differences lie.
  • Choose a high graphical user interface (GUI) language for the front end of your project: The front end is what your users or clients will see, which makes its aesthetic appeal and user-friendly very important, and which is why we see Java in all the top companies’ front-end language profiles. You can complete an entire project feeling great with very few errors, but when it comes out on the market, the consumer is the one that will be passing judgment. Choosing a language with high GUI can make all the difference when that time comes.
  • Think about what kind of support you will need: When it comes to supporting libraries not all languages were created equal. If you don’t have a seasoned expert in the language that you would like to use, do some research and see which languages have support. .NET for example, is known to have excellent support and in all spoken languages. 
  • Be sure to come to a consensus before getting started: As a programmer or developer, you may think you know what is best for the project (and you might!) – but your knowledge is only as good as is the consensus of the stakeholders. If even one, important person has an aversion or hesitation to your chosen language, you may need to either exercise your lobbying skills or think of a second option – either way, your project will be delayed, and morale will falter.
  • Do an internal audit for incompatibilities: Stakeholders aren’t the only ones that can end a love affair with a computer language – the internal systems at your company may be inherently incompatible with other systems. It is important that you run an internal audit to make sure that there are no conflicts with the corporate systems, operating systems, applications, or any other system for that matter.
  • Make sure you have the manpower to use your chosen language: If you go with a common language you’ll be fine. But if the decision for your project needs something more obscure, and you don’t have the in-house developer or programmer, then have your HR department run an ad on Indeed and make sure that the talent is out there and that it fits within the budget for your project.
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Choosing a language for your software development project can be tough, but if you make it into a systematic process, you can select objectively with hard-and-fast criteria so that you know you are making the right decision. Make a checklist of attributes that you need from the language you choose, create a spreadsheet, and score each attribute. While there probably isn’t just one language out there for your project, you have the tools to decide which you can be more confident in.


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