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Types of Project Management Methodologies

Written by Bydrec, Inc | Feb 3, 2022 3:27:17 PM

Software development can be an extraordinarily complex task, so effective project management is among the most crucial elements of any software development process. The right project management methodology can help organize the workflow, organize team members, and create a more manageable environment for everyone involved. Here are some different types of project management methodologies that different companies or teams might use for their projects.

What is a project management methodology?

Project management methodologies are different approaches to organizing a project's workflow. They might vary from company to company, depending on the team's experience or expertise, or they may be influenced by the type of project.

The right methodology can help teams stay organized and work more effectively. Here are some types of project management methodologies that different companies might use during their projects:

(1)   Waterfall Methodology

(2)   Scrum Methodology

(3)   Agile Methodology

Waterfall Methodology

Waterfall methodology is a sequential project management methodology in which each step is completed before the next step begins. When it comes to software development, this type of methodology generally includes an analysis phase, design phase, implementation phase, and testing phase.

The most common type of waterfall methodology is the linear waterfall methodology, which only has one path for execution. This means that if there are any problems during one of the phases in the process, it can have a huge impact on the rest of the phases in the project.

Scrum Methodology

The Scrum methodology is a project management methodology that’s designed to help teams work together better. It is a framework for developing and sustaining complex products.

In the Scrum process, a team will move quickly from one stage to another. There are three stages:

  • Planning – this stage is about getting the right people with the necessary skills involved in the project, as well as identifying what needs to be completed during this sprint.
  • Sprint – this is where the most intensive work happens. The team will produce the smallest possible amount of work that can be completed within a two-week period, called a “Sprint.” 
  • Review – after every two weeks, there will be an evaluation of what was accomplished during that time period, and what could be improved for future sprints.

Agile Methodology

Agile methodology is an iterative and incremental approach that focuses on short development cycles. The software is developed in a series of sprints, the goal being to deliver a working product as quickly as possible. Each iteration contains a set of specific user stories, which are broken down into manageable chunks.

The process consists of four phases:

1) Planning - Project management at this stage involves creating a plan for the requirements and defining what needs to be done. It also includes making sure that all stakeholders are aware of the project's objectives and timelines, as well as any risks that may come up during development.

2) Implementation - This phase includes actual coding, programming, testing, and debugging.

3) Review - Here the software is reviewed by stakeholders to make sure it meets expectations and follows best practices. Feedback is given for areas where improvement can be made.

4) Deployment - Once all feedback has been addressed, it's time to release your software for use by others or to the public via digital channels.

Which Method Works Best?

There is a reason why companies like ours go the Agile route with software development projects. Agile is a popular methodology for continuous software development, and it has been around for over 20 years. The principles of Agile have been adopted across many industries, not just in software. At its core, the agile mindset boils down to "responding to change over following a plan." Not only does this mean that you should always be prepared to make adjustments or respond quickly when necessary, but also it means that you should expect changes and factor them into your plan from the start.

It's important to understand four key principles of agile: 

1) Welcome changing requirements, even late in development;

 2) Deliver working software at the end of every iteration (Don't wait until the end of a project to deliver something usable); 

3) Business people and developers must work together daily throughout the project (No more silos!); 

4) Build projects around motivated individuals (Give responsibility and ownership).

If you are able to successfully implement Agile, it will likely lead to more productivity, better quality software, and more satisfied customers.

Why Agile Is a Game Changer for Businesses

The term "agile" is often used as a synonym for "flexible." When most people hear flexible, they think about someone who's flexible enough to bend over backwards at the request of their boss or customer.  Agile is a type of software development methodology that emphasizes responsiveness to change over following a strict plan from start to finish, resulting in:

-Higher productivity 

-Better quality products 

-More satisfied customers 

-Flexibility: work can be completed quicker and more efficiently

-Innovation: the team is focused on the customer and innovation

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