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Nearshore Development Team | Agile Project Management

Written by Bydrec, Inc | Jan 29, 2018 6:37:00 PM

Choosing an outsourcing software development company that provides the best value and performance can be tricky. Nearshore software development teams offer the best blend of expertise, collaboration, and value for your budget. However, not all nearshore software development companies are made equal. When selecting your nearshore software development team, look for these five factors.

1. Technology Expertise

First and foremost, you will want your nearshore software development company to have the right expertise and skills needed to get the job done. Most software developers will not know everything, but you do want to select a team that has a wide-range of technological knowledge. This should include knowing the necessary coding language. To learn more about their technological skill, ask what training and experiences they have, including what work they have done on previous projects.

2. Industry Experience

Beyond just knowing the technology for software development, you also want a team that understands the demands of the industry. True understanding can only come from experience within the industry. For this reason, it can be helpful to select an established company. When you look at their employees, you want to see people with a range of years of experience. There are benefits to having seasoned management and also entry level workers who bring the latest training and ideas.

3. Good Communication

When you outsource your work, you will want to be able to communicate easily with your project team. Any good software development company will allow you to talk directly to the team that is completing your project. If you are considering a nearshore software company and they only allow you to talk to upper management rather than directly to your team, it could cause a breakdown in communication. Very different working hours also make communication difficult. With communication, time is money, so you want software developers who return contacts promptly and are easy to reach.

Related Content: How Great Communication Can Lead to Great Software Development

4. Diligent and Dedicated

Not only do you want a team that is easy to access for communication and communicates well, you also want a team that is dedicated to you and your project. If a software development company is unable to keep track of your information and you find yourself repeating again and again what it is you want and need, that is an early sign they may not be dedicated to your project or diligent about keeping track of details. Look for a company that cares about the details of what you need, with a history of turning out the exact work their customers want.

5. Focused and Flexible

Some software development companies load their staff up with many projects. If your software development team is working on too many projects, yours will be short-changed because they will not be able to give it the focus it needs. You also want a company that can scale-up and flexibly addresses any growing needs your project may have. That flexibility is more likely if the team is totally dedicated to only your project. When a team is over-stretched and overcommitted, they’re less likely to put quality work in for you.

While technical skills are important, be sure to weigh up all these factors when choosing your nearshore software development company for outstanding results and exceptional software performance.



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