Bydrec Blog

8 Tools your Software Development Company Must Have

Written by Bydrec, Inc | Feb 16, 2018 6:37:00 PM

Like most software developers, you and your staff probably frequently find yourselves very busy managing multiple tasks and projects. Some software tools can help to increase your productivity. Consider using these eight tools to improve the productivity of your software developers.

1. Trello

A lightweight and free tool, Trello helps with project management. Within the system, you can create organized columns of tasks. This can help software developers manage their workload, including side projects. Being organized is an essential part of improved productivity.

2. Evernote

Evernote relies on a cloud-based platform. This tool provides a place to save valuable information and notes that you may want to access later. This can include anything from keyboard shortcuts to news articles. With the cloud-based feature, you can access your notes and other content anytime, anywhere.

3. ShareX

An open source program, ShareX helps software developers with the capture and recording of any area of the screen so that it can be easily shared. Specific tasks, such as copy screen, can be programmed as a hotkey. The tool also allows users to upload files to over 80 destinations.

4. The Silver Searcher

Sometimes called “ag” after the scientific symbol for silver, The Silver Searcher was designed to be a quick code-searching tool. It works by leveraging multiple CPU cores. This allows the program to search simultaneously. Faster code searches mean increased productivity for a software developer.

5. Oh My Zsh

One of the most popular productivity tools for software developers is Oh My Zsh. This is an open source framework that can be used to manage Z shell configuration when developers are working at the command line level. The tool can be used with many technologies thanks to optional plugins. When working in Oh My Zsh, the user can customize the environment to meet their specifications. This will further maximize their productivity and general work experience.

6. GitHub Changelog Generator

Another command line tool, the Changelog Generator automatically makes change logs from action requests performed on GitHub. These changes can be created with tags, issues, and pull requests. This makes it easier for others to see any notable changes before the release of a project.

7. CodeWars

Boost programming skills by using the CodeWars program. This program includes many different programming challenges that require software developers to test and increase their skills. You can submit your solutions and then see where they rank against others. It can be a great learning experience that will help you to increase your productivity.

8. If This Then That (IFTTT)

This service lets software developers put notifications, emails, and updates together in any way you might want. You can use this tool in practical ways for productivity, such as setting up SMS alerts to remind you of important meetings so your team can stay organized and on top of things.

Related Content: 7 Ways Bydrec Can Increase the Productivity of Your Dedicated Development Team

Alongside the right software development company, choosing the right tools helps your team work faster, better and more accurately, so you get the software you need sooner!


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